Monday, January 18, 2010


The personnel subcommittee of IMB formally voted late this afternoon to confirm our application to serve as missionaries to the Amazon Basin of Brazil. Thank you to all of you who have been praying with us. We cannot express how much we cherish your encouragement and support.

What an experience the past twenty months have been as we have sought God's will and pursued His call!

The process certainly hasn't gone as we would have expected (see posts below), but we have learned so much about the Father's heart and faithfulness. The delays we have experienced provided opportunities for our call to be tested in some incredible ways, and thereby our resolve has been strengthened. Our call confirmed. Our passion and burden for the people of the Amazon Basin set aflame!

In his book, Crazy Love, Francis Chan writes, "Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy" (115). We've certainly found this statement to be true. Most people smile and say something along the lines of "that's great," but they shake their heads as they walk away. Others have simply told us that we are either crazy, mislead, selfish or flat foolish. Chan also writes, "Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers" (115).

What has been of greater concern has been the number of professing followers of Christ who have responded similarly to those who do not profess belief. Is it any wonder that the vast majority of our churches are either plateaued or declining?

About Us

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Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
Rob & Jenny have been married since 1992. We have two wonderful daughters: Hannah & Haley Grace. We have been serving in local churches throughout our marriage and currently serve at Eastwood Baptist Church. We are awaiting appointment with the International Mission Board of the SBC to serve as missionaries in the Amazon Basin.